American Chemical Society Student Affiliates (ACS-SA)
American Chemical Society Student Affiliates (ACS-SA) strives to serve UCSD chemistry majors by providing a friendly environment for the intellectual exploration of relevant industrial chemistry and chemical research topics. We aim to provide students interested in science with networking, outreach and volunteering opportunities that will help them define their goals, choose their career path and pursue their intended career.
Astro Graduate Council
The Astro Graduate Council (AGC) exists to vocalize and advocate for the rights, concerns, and objectives of the graduate students in the Physics Department at UC San Diego. The PGC will act as the officially recognized liaison between the Physics Department administration and faculty and the graduate student body of said department.
Chemistry Graduate Student Council (CGSC)
Chemistry Graduate Student Council (CGSC) is an organization seeking to improve the learning experience for the graduate student population in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department. CGSC represents the graduate student interest to administration and faculty to open consistent channels of communication and help to sustain a social, well-connected community of graduate students by facilitating a variety of events and social gatherings.
Graduate Sports Program
Graduate students in UCSD often find themselves in highly stressful environments, with long hours spent in research labs, deadlines to meet, and high expectations to fulfill. This can take a toll on their mental and physical well-being, leading to burnout and decreased productivity. To address the need for an outlet to relieve stress and improve overall well-being, GSP proposes to establish an inter-departmental graduate student sports organization at UCSD. This organization aims to bring together graduate students from different departments, and all skill levels, to play sports together for recreation and community
Graduate Women in Physics (GWIP)
Graduate Women in Physics (GWIP) exists to support women graduate students in the Physics Department through the challenges they encounter as members of an underrepresented group in the field of physics.
Mathematics Graduate Student Council at UCSD
The purpose of the Mathematics Graduate Student Council at UCSD is to advocate for the economic, educational, professional, teaching, and diversity related interests of the math graduate student body. The Council is the liaison between the math graduate students and Mathematics Department administration and faculty. In addition, the Council pursues initiatives that improve math graduate student life and build community in the Mathematics Department.
Physics Grad Council (PGC)
The Physics Graduate Council (PGC) exists to vocalize and advocate for the rights, concerns, and objectives of the graduate students in the Physics Department at UC San Diego. The PGC will act as the officially recognized liaison between the Physics Department administration and faculty and the graduate student body of said department.
Society for Women in Graduate Studies in Chemistry and Biochemistry (SWIGS)
The mission of SWIGS is to foster a community among STEM women, in order to help women achieve success during and after graduate school. They work towards this mission in three areas: 1. Professional Development: organizing seminars, networking opportunities, and other events for preparation in post-PhD success; 2. Well-being: improving mental and physical wellness through community activities, social gatherings, and individualized mentorship; and 3. Outreach: mobilizing women to teach and inspire young scientists from underrepresented groups.