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2019 Archive


2019 Semi-Conductor Industry Interaction Day

UCSD Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCSD Materials Science and Engineering Program, School of Physical Sciences Dean's Office, and School of Physical Sciences Center for Student Success sponsored an industry interaction day. Our goal is to enhance the interaction between our PhD students and postdoctoral associates with our colleagues in industry. The event was held on Friday, November 22nd, 2019. The program included talks by industrial scientists, lightning talks by postdocs and doctoral students, and a panel discussion to provide advice to our graduate students on how to pursue a career in industry.

Pharm-Chem Industry Outreach Day

The UCSD Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry & Chemistry-Biology Interfaces Training Grant (CBI), and Cancer Researchers in Nanotechnology (CRIN) training grant hosted their annual Industry Day event on June 21, 2019 in the NSB Auditorium. The event  enhanced the interaction between our PhD students and postdoctoral associates with our colleagues in industry. The event featured speakers from biotech, pharm, and nanotech fields. The program included talks by industrial scientists, lightning talks by doctoral students, and a panel discussion to provide advice to graduate students on how to pursue a career in industry.